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Welcome to a diverse universe of knowledge and innovation. This page is a treasure trove of articles written in both Arabic and English, reflecting the rich tapestry of ideas in the realm of digital transformation, software engineering, and solution architecture. It’s not just limited to these; you’ll also find enlightening discussions on enterprise architecturechange management, and more. Each piece is a testament to my personal journey and insights in these multifaceted fields. As you explore, you’ll encounter a blend of cutting-edge technologies, transformative strategies, and architectural blueprints that are shaping the digital and organizational landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a change leader, or a curious learner, there’s something here for everyone. Dive in and let’s embark on this enlightening journey together.

  • A dialog with my AI Buddy

    Ethical Dilemmas and AI: A Dialog with my AI Buddy

    Fascinated by taboo subjects and keen to observe AI responses, I engaged two generative AI tools in discussing thought-provoking topics. The ethical dilemmas presented sparked a deep dive, particularly into AI bias in the recruitment process. However, despite the AI’s efforts to promote fairness, biases seem ingrained in human nature, reflecting in AI outcomes. Hence,…

  • AI background

    Artificial Intelligence: From Fascination to Execution & Value Realization

    AI is a game-changer but many businesses struggle to deploy it effectively. Deloitte suggests this may be because organizations can’t translate theory into practice. The article examines the reasons and provides some solutions, dividing organizations into four categories based on their willingness and skill to adopt AI: laggards, hesitants, aspirationals, and exemplars. By providing specific…

  • Disconnecting to Reconnect- A Journey of Self-Discovery

    Last week, I decided to take two weeks off after waiting for what felt like an eternity for the perfect time to do so. And guess what? It was during the holy Ramadan month! I wanted to try something new and challenging that I had not done in at least a decade, something unusual, especially…

  • Metaverse Use Cases

    100+ Metaverse Use cases

    In this article, I will not go through the definitions and what is the metaverse, and what are the building blocks for it. It is mainly to explore the different use cases of the metaverse.

  • Industry Value Chain & Business Growth?

    Unlock Business Growth through mastering Industry Value Chain

    Consider the Industry Value chain as a tool to visualize how the value of an industry is created and who the players generate the value and who receives that value. The value chain is important not only to visualize the current but understand the industry shifts and who are the new players who are disrupting

  • 8 Foundational Concepts

    8 Foundational Concepts you should know in the Digital World

    We hear lots of concepts especially when you are dealing with transformation, business consultancy, and the digital community in general. Lots of concepts from business scenarios, business cases, use cases, digital capabilities, business function, and lots of other words that sometimes people understand differently and find a bit confusing what are those concepts really mean,…


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